ESTD 487. Multidisciplinary Approach to Environmental Problems (1-3)
Small group discussion and student presentations concerning the cultural determinants of environmental attitudes. Each student presents two seminars on current environmental issues, one local and one global. Prereq: ESTD 101.
EEPS 401. Stratigraphy and Sedimentation. (3)
Formation, distribution, and composition of sediments and sedimentary rocks. Modern depositional environments and their ancient analogues; principles of stratigraphic and biostratigraphic correlation. Two lectures and one laboratory per week.
EEPS 405. Geomorphology and Remote Sensing (3)
Recognition and interpretation of land forms and their significance in revealing present and past geologic processes. Introduction to acquisition and analysis of data through aerial photography and satellite imagery. Two lectures and one laboratory weekly. Prereq: EEPS (GEOL) 110 and EEPS (GEOL) 119.
EEPS 415. Structural Geology and Geodynamics (3)
Theoretical analysis of deformation in earth materials, with illustrations of deformational styles in various tectonic settings and the dynamics of the Earth’s interior. Recommended preparation: EEPS 110 and EEPS 119.
EEPS 417. Introduction to Field Methods (3)
Practice in field procedures, recognition and testing of hypotheses in the field, field mapping and analysis of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks in deformed and tectonically active settings. Weekly meeting plus spring break field trip. Students required to pay partial cost of meals, lodging, and travel.
EEPS 421. Hydrogeology (3)
Basic and applied concepts pertaining to the occurrence and movement of ground water. Definitions, basic equations, applications to a variety of geologic settings, wells.
EEPS 425. Geotectonics (3)
Interpretation of the major crustal features of the earth in terms of plate tectonics and associated phenomena. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
EEPS 430. Geophysical Field Methods and Laboratory (4)
Use of seismic refraction, gravity, electrical, magnetic, and electromagnetic methods to infer the earth’s structure and composition. Application of inverse theory to estimate model parameters. Requires students to take measurements, analyze data, and prepare a report. Includes several Saturday field trips.
EEPS 436. Aquatic Chemistry (4)
Chemical equilibria occurring in natural waters. Quantitative methods of describing acid-base, metal ion/ligand, precipitation/dissolution, and oxidation/reduction reactions. Geochemical cycling of trace metals and nutrients.
EEPS (GEOL) 437. Chemistry of Natural Waters (3)
Advanced topics in aquatic chemistry. Thermodynamic models for ion-ligand speciation in natural waters; origin and composition of seawater; chemical and mineralogical sequences during evaporation; chemical weathering; chemical cycling and global mass balances; perturbations on natural systems by man. Predictive capabilities of box models.
EEPS 440. Earth and Planetary Interiors (3)
Quantitative introduction to the composition, structure, dynamics, and evolution of Earth and other planets using principles of geophysics and geochemistry. Planetary formation and differentiation, composition and structure of Earth and planets, heat generation and heat flow, mantle convection and plate tectonics, planetary magnetism and core dynamics, chemical evolution of Earth and planets, extrasolar planets and super Earths. This course will be offered to both undergraduate students and graduates. In addition to the requirements for undergraduate students, graduate students will be asked to work on a small course project relevant to the subject of the course and submit a term paper based on this project by the end of semester. Prereq: MATH 122 or MATH 126.
EEPS (GEOL) 444. Flow and Sediment Transport (3)
This course focuses on open channel flow and sediment transport mechanics. A mathematical framework for the description of free surface flow and various modes of particle transport is built. This framework is used in discussions of geomorphic and sedimentologic processes and features. Specific topics covered include dimensional analysis, forces on settling particles, fluid flow, initiation of particle movement, bedload and suspended load transport and their calculation, and channel form.
EEPS 445. Planetary Materials (1-3)
An introduction to the materials that make up the solid matter of the solar system. Student presentations will review our current understanding of accessible primitive materials such as meteorites, cosmic dust, lunar and ancient terrestrial rocks, and their relationship to modern natural materials and solar system processes.
EEPS 455. Isotope Geochemistry (3)
Principles and applications of naturally occurring variations of isotopic abundances in geologic, hydrologic, and biologic systems. Includes consideration of radioactive and radiogenic isotopes and their use in geochronology and as tracers; consideration of isotopic fractionations (especially of light stable isotopes), their thermodynamic and kinetic causes, and their use in understanding mechanisms and conditions of geologic processes and as tracers. Prereq: Consent of department.
EEPS 450. Geochemistry (3)
Introduction to geochemistry. Properties of the elements, elemental and isotopic fractionation, element transport, geochemical systems, geochronology, mineral reactions, the solid Earth, Earth in the solar system. A quantitative approach to modeling geochemical processes will be emphasized throughout. Offered as EEPS 350 and EEPS 450
EEPS 461. Advanced Hydrogeology (3)
Computer solution techniques for groundwater flow and solute transport equations. Applications to field studies. Usefulness and limitations of modeling.
EEPS 494. Seminar in Evolutionary Biology (3)
Cross-listed as PHIL 494.
EEPS (GEOL) 501. Seminar in Paleontology and Stratigraphy (1-3)
EEPS (GEOL) 503. Seminar in Geomorphology-Glacial Geology (1)
EEPS (GEOL) 504. Seminar in Geochemistry (1-3)
EEPS (GEOL) 506. Seminar in Geophysics (1-3)
EEPS (GEOL) 509. Seminar in Graduate Research (1)
EEPS (GEOL) 511. Special Readings in Geology (1-6)
Detailed study of a selected topic in geology under the guidance of a faculty member.
EEPS (GEOL) 512. Special Readings in Geology (1-6)
Detailed study of a selected topic in geology under the guidance of a faculty member.