ESTD 101. Introduction to Environmental Thinking (3)
Critical comparison of scientific, historical, religious, and literary conceptions of nature. Theories of environmental ethics, legal, and economic conceptions of environmental goods. Current controversies concerning human population growth, energy use, the consumer society, and attitudes towards animals.
ESTD 387. Multidisciplinary Approach to Environmental Problems (1-3)
This course is designed to illustrate, using a different topic each year, the necessity for a multidisciplinary approach to environmental problems in order to understand and manage environmental problems. Multiple faculty and community leaders participate in the teaching. Students registering for 1 credit attend weekly seminars; those registering for 2-3 credits do an individual research project in addition. Past topics include: lead poisoning in the urban environment, sustainability and the Great Lakes, setting environmental priorities, and reducing the University’s environmental impacts.
ESTD 398. Seminar in Environmental Studies (3)
Small group discussion and student presentations concerning the cultural determinants of environmental attitudes. Each student presents two seminars on current environmental issues, one local and one global. Prereq: ESTD 101.
EEPS 101. The Earth and Planets (3)
An examination of the geological processes that have shaped the planets and moons of the inner solar system, focusing on those with relevance to our own planet Earth. Following an introduction to the fundamentals of planetary geology, lectures and exercises will explore how the inner planets (the asteroids, Mercury, Venus, Earth, the Moon, and Mars) exhibit the effects of planetary differentiation, impact cratering, volcanic activity, tectonics, climate, and interactions with life.
EEPS 110. Physical Geology (3)
Introduction to geologic processes and materials that shape the world we live in. Hydrologic cycle and evolution of landscapes. Earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, and geologic resources. Students desiring laboratory experience should enroll in EEPS (GEOL) 119 concurrently.
EEPS 115. Introduction to Oceanography (3)
The science of oceanography. Physical, chemical, biologic, and geologic features and processes of the oceans. Differences and similarities between the oceans and large lakes including the Great Lakes.
EEPS 117. Weather and Climate (3)
Introduction to the study of weather and climate. Covers the basics of meteorology, climate zones, the hydrologic cycle, and weather prediction. Lectures address timely topics including greenhouse warming, past global climates, and recent advances in meteorology.
EEPS 119. Geology Laboratory (1)
Principles and techniques common to the geological sciences, including rock and mineral identification, map interpretation, landform analysis, application of geological information to engineering works, etc. One three-hour laboratory or field trip weekly.
EEPS 188. On Being a Scientist (1)
Cross-listed as ASTR 188.
EEPS 196. Energy and Society (3)
Global and national perspectives on the problems of energy supply and demand, global warming, oil cartels, solar, nuclear and wind energy, energy history, politics and economics of fossil fuels and alternative energy sources.(Cross-listed as PHYS 196)
EEPS 121. Environmental Science (3)
An introduction to the Earth’s environmental systems and human interactions with those systems. In this course, students will be introduced to the earth’s life-supporting ecological systems, environmental pollutants, natural resources, and how humans interact with, and sometimes threaten, those systems. Students will explore the Earth’s major natural systems (climate, water, land, ecosystems, etc.) and how they are impacted by human activity, the sustainability/unsustainability of societal activities such as energy and mineral (oil, gas, coal, etc.) use, and interactions with natural hazards (tsunami, flooding, earthquakes, volcanic activities, freezing ice / rain, snow, etc.).
EEPS 202. Global Environmental Problems (3)
Science, policy, and ethics of environmental problems that affect the entire planet. Examination of problems of current interest, such as population growth, climate change, ozone depletion, and fisheries, from a variety of viewpoints. Construction of simple computer models of a global process using Stella II. No previous computer experience or knowledge of numerical methods is required.
EEPS 210. Earth History: Time, Tectonics, Climate, and Life (3)
History of life as recorded in sedimentary rocks. Case histories of important basins of deposition; the interrelationships of paleogeography, plate tectonics, and evolution. Two lectures and one laboratory weekly.
EEPS 220. Environmental Geology (3)
Geological attributes of environmental settings. Analysis of geologic conditions pertinent to engineering works, site development, resource availability, urban planning, etc. Recognition and assessment of geologic hazards. Prerequisite: EEPS (GEOL) 110, 119.
EEPS 225 Evolution (3)
Cross-listed as PHIL 225.
EEPS 301. Principles of Stratigraphy and Sedimentation (3)
Formation, distribution, and composition of sediments and sedimentary rocks. Modern depositional environments and their ancient analogues; principles of stratigraphic and biostratigraphic correlation. Two lectures and one laboratory per week. Prerequisite: One semester of introductory geology including laboratory, or consent of instructor.
EEPS 303. Environmental Law (3)
Problems in the environmental geosciences and the legal response. Types of pollution regulation, regulation of petroleum and coal exploration and development, water rights, wildlife and public lands management, common law remedies, and the role of scientific experts. Topics of current social interest.
EEPS 305. Geomorphology and Remote Sensing (3)
Recognition and interpretation of land forms and their significance in revealing present and past geologic processes. Introduction to acquisition and analysis of data though aerial photography and satellite imagery. Two lectures and one laboratory weekly. Prerequisite: EEPS (GEOL) 110, 119.
EEPS 307. Evolutionary Biology and Paleobiology of the Invertebrates (3)
Important events in the evolution of invertebrate life; structure, function, and phylogeny of major invertebrate groups.
EEPS 315. Structural Geology & Geodynamics (3)
Geometrical characteristics and theoretical analysis of deformation in earth materials, with illustrations of deformational styles in various tectonic settings and dynamics of the Earth’s interior. Prerquisite EEPS (GEOL) 110 or consent of instructor.
EEPS 317. Field Methods and Spring Field Course (3)
Practice in field procedures, recognition and testing of hypotheses in the field, field mapping and analysis of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks in deformed and tectonically active settings. Weekly meeting plus spring break field trip. Students required to pay partial cost of meals, lodging, and travel. Prerequisite EEPS (GEOL) 119 or consent of instructor.
EEPS 318. Topics in Field Methods (3)
Field analysis of geological and environmental problems. Topics and locations will vary. Requires preparatory meetings and week-long field trip, usually during spring break. Students required to pay partial cost of meals, lodging, and travel. Prereq: EEPS (GEOL) 119 or permission of instructor.
EEPS 321. Hydrogeology (3)
Basic and applied concepts pertaining to the occurrence and movement of groundwater. Definitions, basic equations, applications to a variety of geologic settings, wells. Requires one Saturday field trip to make field measurements, collect and analyze data, and prepare a report.
EEPS 330. Geophysical Field Methods and Lab (4)
Use of seismic refraction and reflection, gravity, electrical, magnetic, and electromagnetic methods to infer the earth’s structure and composition. Application of inverse theory to estimate model parameters. Requires students to make field measurements, analyze data, and prepare a report. Includes several required Saturday field trips. Prerequisites: One semester each of college physics and calculus.
EEPS 336. Aquatic Chemistry (4)
Chemical equilibria occurring in natural waters. Quantitative methods of describing acid-base, metal ion/ligand, precipitation/dissolution, and oxidation/reduction reactions. Geochemical cycling of trace metals and nutrients.
EEPS 341. Introductory Mineralogy and Petrology (4)
Crystallography, hand specimen mineralogy and petrology, principles of crystal structure, crystal chemistry,elementary thermodynamics and phase diagrams, and an introduction to the petrographic microscope. Three lectures and one three hour laboratory weekly. Prerequisite: EEPS (GEOL) 119 or consent of instructor.
EEPS 344. Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (4)
Composition, classification, and genesis of igneous and metamorphic rocks, emphasizing physical and chemical principles governing their origin. Laboratory study of rocks in thin section. Two lectures and two three-hour laboratories weekly. Prerequisite: EEPS (GEOL) 341 or consent of instructor.
EEPS 345. Planetary Materials (1-3)
An introduction to the materials that make up the solid matter of the solar system. Student presentations will review our current understanding of accessible primitive materials such as meteorites, cosmic dust, lunar and ancient terrestrial rocks, and their relationship to modern natural materials and solar system processes.
EEPS 349. Geological Problems (1-3)
Special work arranged according to the qualifications of the student. Prerequisite: consent of departmental adviser.
EEPS 350. Geochemistry (3)
Introduction to geochemistry. Properties of the elements, elemental and isotopic fractionation, element transport, geochemical systems, geochronology, mineral reactions, the solid Earth, Earth in the solar system. A quantitative approach to modeling geochemical processes will be emphasized throughout. Offered as EEPS 350 and EEPS 450
EEPS 352. Biogeochemistry (3)
Global environmental changes and the intersections between biology, geology, chemistry and environmental sciences. Throughout the semester students will explore the cycling of biologically important elements (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus) in order to understand their role in shaping ecosystem processes and in the development of life on Earth. In the first half of the class, students will explore the biological/chemical processes that shape the past, present and future Earth System. In the second half of the course, students will investigate the inter-related nature of these processes/reactions in regulating global biogeochemical cycles. Topics to be covered in this class include the origin of the Earth, elements and life; the Gaia Hypothesis; Geochemical tools to study Earth processes; biological and chemical processes occurring on Earth’s surface; Global Climate/Environmental Change. Recommended Preparation: (CHEM 105 or CHEM 111) and (CHEM 106 or ENGR 145). Offered as EEPS 352 and EEPS 452.
EEPS 360. Summer Field Camp (6)
Six-week course in geologic field methods and mapping. Not offered at CWRU; must be taken at another college or university. Credits will be transferred. Prerequisite: consent of departmental adviser.
EEPS 367. Topics in Evolutionary Biology (3)
Cross-listed as ANTH 367.
EEPS 390. Intro to Geological Research (3)
Examination of factors in the selection, design, and conduct of research projects and in the analysis and interpretation of research results. Consideration of ethical issues in scientific research. Practice in proposal writing and oral presentation. Consultations with department faculty in preparation for individual Senior Project proposals.
EEPS 391. Senior Project (2)
Research project required of all department majors, based on formal project proposals presented to department faculty. Proposals may be submitted prior to the semester in which EEPS (GEOL) 391 is taken. Emphasis is on independence, initiative, and follow-through in planning and conducting the project. Grading deferred until completion of EEPS (GEOL) 392 (required). Prerequisite: EEPS (GEOL) 390.
EEPS 392. Professional Presentation (2)
Preparation and presentation of final written and oral reports on individual Senior Projects. Class meetings focus on group discussion of problem areas in analysis and interpretation of project results, and in styles of writing and oral presentation as demonstrated by practice examples. Prerequisite: EEPS (GEOL) 391.
EEPS 394 Seminar in Evolutionary Biology
Cross-listed as PHIL 394.
EEPS 396 Research Evolutionary Biology
Undergraduate Research in Evolutionary Biology. Cross-listed as ANTH 396.